red drum

美 [red drʌm]英 [red drʌm]
  • 网络美国红鱼;红鱼;红鼓鱼;眼斑拟石首鱼;红鼓
red drumred drum


large edible fish found off coast of United States from Massachusetts to Mexico
Synonym: channel bass redfish Sciaenops ocellatus


  1. Effects of dietary iron on growth and immune response of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus


  2. Effects of dietary vitamin E levels on growth and nonspecific immunity of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus


  3. Studies on artificial propagation and seed production of red drum , Sciaenops ocellatus


  4. A single factor feeding trial was made to determine the optimal dietary protein levels of red drum Sciaenops ocelletus at different stages .


  5. This paper studies the general law for the growth of red drum ( Sciaenops ocellatus ), its peculiar growth characteristics and effect of outside factors on its growth .


  6. The results showed that contents of lipids in the muscle of red drum were low with high protein and low fat , the contents of amino acids in the muscle of fishes in low energy value were middle level , compared with other economic fishes .


  7. Bio chemical compositions of protein , lipid and ash etc , in the muscle and body of red drum were determined and the energy values were calculated . The contents of 17 common amino acids in the protein of the muscle were analyzed .


  8. Vitellogenin ( VTG ) was induced in red drum by intraperitoneal injections of 17 β - estradiol . After one week induction , blood was collected from caudal vessel and then centrifuged . Purification of the VTG was performed by gel permeation chromatography of Sephacryl S-300 high resolution .
